Freshmen weekend in the Saxon Switzerland 2018
At the beginning of November, a group of freshmen students as well as alumni and current MIEEBA students went on the annual hiking trip to the Elbe sandstone highlands. Just a few miles away from the German-Czech border in the small town of Schmilka, we set up camp over the weekend in a cozy cabin. After a combination of fairy and train rides, the group arrived Friday night excited for the first hike on the following day. This quite secluded region offers a wide spectrum of hiking trails with various levels of difficulties – therefore being ideal for beginners as well as experienced hikers – and countless panoramic views that left us speechless numerous times.
Going on this trip is especially helpful for freshmen – getting in touch with former and current students and learning from their experiences made in Leipzig and Moscow. The weekend offers all participants the perfect opportunity to get to know each other: newcomers can network and inform themselves about open positions, internships and future job opportunities; alumnis get to know the freshmen and applify their network as well as hire the high potential new students in their companies. Year after year, these weekends have proven to be an important brick in our network of MIEEBA students.
After two days of socializing and hiking the group returned to Leipzig, noticeably tired but entirely content.
Be excited for next years trip! We know, we are!
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